The average house price on PRIMLEY PARK CLOSE is £337,712
The most expensive house in the street is 5 PRIMLEY PARK CLOSE with an estimated value of £379,339
The cheapest house in the street is 3 PRIMLEY PARK CLOSE with an estimated value of £295,870
The house which was most recently sold was 15 PRIMLEY PARK CLOSE, this sold on 25 Nov 2021 for £320,000
The postcode for PRIMLEY PARK CLOSE is LS17 7LT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 PRIMLEY PARK CLOSE Semi-Detached , 72 m2 £295,870 £124,000 16 May 2003
5 PRIMLEY PARK CLOSE Semi-Detached £379,339 £165,000 15 Sep 2003
6 PRIMLEY PARK CLOSE Semi-Detached , 75 m2 £321,070 £188,000 16 Sep 2010
9 PRIMLEY PARK CLOSE Semi-Detached £318,199 £184,000 21 Aug 2006
12 PRIMLEY PARK CLOSE Semi-Detached , 79 m2 £344,048 £280,000 13 Jan 2020
14 PRIMLEY PARK CLOSE Detached , 100 m2 £356,816 £205,000 30 Sep 2011
15 PRIMLEY PARK CLOSE Detached , 94 m2 £348,646 £320,000 25 Nov 2021